Universities Studying Slavery
Universities Studying Slavery (USS) is dedicated to organizing multi-institutional collaboration as part of an effort to facilitate mutual support in the pursuit of common goals around the core theme of “Universities Studying Slavery.” USS additionally allows participating institutions to work together as they address both historical and contemporary issues dealing with race and inequality in higher education and in university communities as well as the complicated legacies of slavery in modern American society. USS hosts semi-annual meetings to discuss strategies, collaborate on research, and learn from one another. The next meeting will be hosted by the University of Virginia from September 28-October 1, 2022.
Current Member Institutions:
The Citadel (South Carolina)
Clemson University
College of Charleston
College of William & Mary (Lemon Project)
Columbia University
Dalhousie University (Canada)
Davidson College
Dickinson College
Elon University
Guilford College
Hampden-Sydney College
Hampton University
Harvard University
Hollins University
James Madison University
Liverpool John Moores University (United Kingdom)
Longwood University
Morgan State University
Norfolk State University
Roanoke College
Rutgers University Scarlet & Black Project
Saint Louis University
Salem Academy and College
Stillman College
Sweet Briar College
Trinity College (Connecticut)
University College Cork (Ireland)
University of Cincinnati
University of Glasgow
University of King’s College (Canada)
University of Liverpool
University of Mississippi
University of Richmond
University of South Carolina
University of the South (Sewanee)
University of Virginia (PCSU)
University of Warwick
Virginia Commonwealth University
Virginia Military Institute
Virginia State University
Virginia Tech
Wake Forest University
Washington & Lee University
Xavier University
If your institution is interested in joining the conversation, please contact Ashley Schmidt, Ph.D., at aks8rn@virginia.edu.